Questions & Answers
First and foremost, a huge massive thank you to everyone who participated, supported and pledged to the Kickstarter. It means a great deal to us knowing you want these things as much as we do.
At the end of the day, we weren’t successful, for various reasons, none of which detract from the fact that we gave it our all.
I’m sure you all have some questions about what this means, and how this affects certain things and I’ll try to address them all.
LFG: Volume 6
We are returning to our regular way of handling book launches, and the pre-order for LFG: Volume 6 is underway right now. Lar and I will be signing the first 1,000 books sold, so I’d advise against delay.
Books will be shipping out early January.
Dick in a Hat
Same as the book, we’re doing a pre-order right now, with the hats shipping out early January as well.
Trust me when I tell you these hats are fantastic.
Note: Both the book and the hats are en route to us now via boat from China. Should you have any control over the weather, try to give them clear waters.
LFG: The Animated Series/ LFG: Movie
The big question of course, is where does this leave development on the animated series and/or the movie?
Unfortunately, both are going on hold for the foreseeable future. As a company, Blind Ferret is going to focus our larger projects (animation, video games, etc) on other properties and brands.
I hope to revisit this in the future, but for now, as far as LFG goes, we’ll be focusing on the comic itself and related merchandise.
If things go well, my hope is to at least be able to start producing more animated/musical shorts within a couple of years.
January 3rd, 2014 is when we’ll be launching NPC. But what is it? And why will it mean you’ll be coming to the site twice as often as you do now?
That it?
I think I covered it all, but if there’s anything else you have a question about, I’ll be running around in the comments section for the next little while answering what I can.
As always folks, we thank you hugely for your support.
-Because I Can.