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May 5, 2014 | Sohmer


Because my schedule was nowhere near full enough, I’ve started doing a new comic strip with the very talented Ali R. Thome, called ‘Zufruh’.

Basically, Zufruh is my shot at editorial cartooning by lampooning the world’s newsmakers, and, well, turning them into toddlers. Because it’s fitting.

To give you a little taste-

z1-01 z2-01

Rather than having it’s own website, we’re giving Patreon a shot, and seeing what the interest is. The deal is, the more that’s pledged, the more Ali and I will update. Hell, I’d do it everyday if you folks would let me.

Check it out, and if it’s something you might be interested in, lend a hand. Or a buck.

-Because I Can.