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June 16, 2014 | Sohmer

A Social Reminder

While you’re all hopefully enjoying the current climactic events of LFG, I thought it would be a good time to remind you of all the fun ways you can keep tabs of everything going on in the world of LFG.

From time to time, we do social media exclusive contests, and trust me when I say you don’t wanna miss ‘em.

First, there was Twitter

@sohmer – This is me. I do the writing.
@lartist – Lar, of course, who draws the main LFG.
@hawkster – Draws NPC.
@RyanDunlavey – Draws tiny dicks.
@Blindferret – Our corporate overlord.

Then, came the Facebooks

Can never forget the Reddit

Now I need a nap.

-Because I Can.