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July 17, 2015 | Costello

A Message from your Dick Craft Champion

Remember DickCraft 2015? Well the winner, Melissa Egolf wanted to share a message and some photos with you, her fellow LFG enthusiasts (and with her prize-winning purse dragon).


 “The swag is awesome! I was excited to see there was NPC content in the book(s) too! The tote looks amazing in person!”
– Melissa Egolf, Dick Craft 2015 champion


Melissa, we’re happy you’re happy. I think this happy occasion calls for a round of top comments!

NPC part 15, page 16
Temmet, that is bunny levels of manipulation.

Speedy Marsh
You’re right, Sayl. It’s time for you to give all this up, and purchase a large plot of land for the purpose of cultivation.

LFG 895
Jay Ce
“Best episode of pimp your ride ever…
“”Yo dawg, we heard you was into mounts, so we mounted your mount on a mount that’s mounted by another mount, so you can mount up while you mount up while you mount up.”””

When Richard travels…getting there is most fun.

Michael Neumann
“So… they are in a basket on a goat, held by a kraken, carried by a dragon.
Yep – okay. Nothing wrong with this.”

NPC part 15, page 17
Lily Kusatsu
It’s a window of opportunity.

Temmet did NOT want to leave while he was still having fun, did he…… 🙂

I can’t help but think that Temmet is going all ‘Scrappy-Doo’ yelling “Lemme at’em! Lemme at’em! I can take’em!” in that last panel 😛

TDA 74
Jon Sills
But I DID get on the phone! What do you think I used to get on Facebook?

I hate the phone. It’s my least favorite form of communication ever. It’s too damn easy to zone out and find yourself agreeing to bury a body.

Lesson for today boys and girls: Put down the devices and personally talk to your love ones. Or Richard is going to come over and F you up.

Joshua Carlson
And leave me a voicemail? Thanks for the chore…

LFG 896
You know a character’s beyond redemption if even Cale’s had it with them. Right now, I’m just hoping against hope for violence against these monstrosities that rivals what Krunch did to the dwarf who killed his father.

How to take sweet revenge without violating the paladin codex by C. Annon.

Daniel Early
“Every time I see that villager I hate him a little bit more.

Be excellent to each other everybody!
