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January 14, 2022 | Costello

Friday Lart – MS Fundraising Came Back, The Very Next Day

Fridays, we open the Larchives, Lar’s extensive archive of art work oddities, and share a few pieces.

Everyone’s favour artist uncle, uncle Lar, starts the year with more charity than most of us manage by December. He uses his time and talent to create original avatars in exchange for donations to the MS Society.

In the name of fun and keeping things fresh, Lar picks different themes every month. His first theme of the year: The Cat Came Back.

The Cat Came Back Charity Avatars

In homage to the Cordell Barker animated short (itself based on The Cat Came Back song by Harry S. Miller), Lar captures the wavey, exaggerated character designs of the manic humans, as well as the more angular, orderly animal design style.

Here’s How:

From now until January 31st, 2022, donate $40 to the MS Society and Lar will make you a The Cat Came Cat style caricature avatar. If you’d like to include a pet, or another human, Lar asks for an additional $40 donation per additional face.

  1. Go to
  2. Donate $40 or more for an avatar, plus $40 for every extra face.
  3. Email your donation confirmation to [email protected] along with a current selfie and any requests.
  4. Lar will email you a high res JPEG to print and a low res jpeg for social media.

All avatars will be delivered on or before February 4th, 2022

Lar thanks you. Together we can cure MS!