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April 10, 2015 | Costello

Top Comments from April 3rd to April 9th

It’s been a big week for us, with artists and books arriving and signing or getting signed, respectively. But these comic wheels keep on turning, and your proud comments keep on burning, so let’s get rolling (Rolling!) onto your top comments of April 3rd – April 9th, 2015.

 NPC part 13, page 11

Oak tree has morning wood?

All these years…all those un-squashed bugs…

Excuse me. I have things to do.

LFG 867

Wesley Kirk
Classic Richard… Here’s the baby… oh look, now I get to SAVE the baby… from several giants… GETN’ JACKT UP!

Speedy Marsh
Grasshopper, when you can snatch a vertebra from a giant’s spine, you will be ready to leave.

NPC part 13, page 12

Someone should of at least armed Dorel with a Bace. I mean – come on – who faces a giant without a Bace?

There are two possible outcomes after this scene: 1: Dorel fails so miserably hard, that even the giant spares his life for being a wannabe warrior. 2: Dorel roundhose kicks the giant (or just defeat the giant using hist druid powers) and he’s gonna be celebrated as a hero. Somehow I want to see both outcomes.

TDA 60

Thorbjorn Lyk
Is anyone else confused by why Cale is not on the new vicious women T-shirt?

And that’s what we call ‘motivation’.

LFG 868

When Richard draws upon his magic baby and says, “I have the power!” He becomes He-Dick, Master of the Fwoosh.

Ladies and Gentlemen, number 23 with a out of space rebound, saves Team Complicated and now they go into sudden DEATH overtime. Number 23 is on FIRE!!

Ian Ohlsson
He’s a Super Dick now. Just saiyan.


I’m impressed that one comic inspired references to He-Man, Dragonball Z, and NBA Jam, and now my life is a little less complete knowing I can’t have Zarbon and Man-at-Arms team up for some two-on-two bace-ketball.

Be excellent to each other.”
